Instructions for authors
The Conference CLADAG 2013 official language is ENGLISH.
Short papers should not exceed 4 pages.
Author Guidelines
Authors can use:
- the LaTeX abstract template (downloadable from here) and upload a .zip file cointaining the .tex file, any image files and the .pdf version of their paper in the submission area
- the Word template (downloadable from here)
List of topics for the autoclassification of the contributed papers (the authors have to indicate the corresponding number during the submission phase):
Topics (Methods and models)
1. Bayesian latent variable models
2. Causal inference
3. Classical test theory and item analysis
4. Cluster analysis
5. Composite indicators
6. Compositional Data
7. Data Mining with latent variables
8. Dimensionality reduction (PCA, PLS LDA,...)
9. Dynamic latent variables models
10. EM and related algorithms
11. Factor analysis
12. Functional data analysis
13. Hidden Markov models
14. Hierarchical Bayesian models
15. Imprecise data and fuzzy methods
16. Item response theory
17. Latent curve analysis
18. Latent Dirichlet processes
19. Latent factor and latent class models
20. Latent profile analysis
21. Latent semantic analysis
22. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
23. Measurement error models
24. Mixture models
25. Multidimensional scaling
26. Multidimensional Data Analysis
27. Natural language processing
28. Nonparametric Bayesian models
29. Path analysis
30. Random effects models
31. Rasch analysis
32. Regression models (linear, GLM,...)
33. Social network analysis
34. Spatial clustering
35. Spatio-temporal models
36. Structural equation models
37. Survival analysis
38. Time series models with latent variables
39. Topic models
40. Unobserved components models
41. Other
Application research fields
42. Arts and culture
43. Agriculture
44. Banking and Finance
45. Bioinformatics
46. Business
47. Chemometrics
48. Database
49. Ecology
50. Economics
51. Education
52. Engineering
53. Environment
54. Epidemiology
55. Food Sciences
56. Genetics
57. Genomics
58. Geography
59. Happiness
60. Health
61. Image analysis
62. Industry
63. Informatics
64. Information retrieval
65. Management
66. Marketing
67. Medicine
68. Politics
69. Population Studies
70. Psychology
71. Risk analysis
72. Sensory analysis
73. Services
74. Shape analysis
75. Social sciences
76. Sociology
77. Sport
78. Well-being
79. Other