The deadline for the extended paper submission has been moved to the 15th of January, 2014. See the author guidelines in extended paper submission


Dear collegue,

we are glad to announce that the book of abstracts of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group has now an ISBN number.


The title of the book is: Cladag 2013. 9th Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group. Book of Abstracts

The editors are: Tommaso Minerva, Isabella Morlini, Francesco Palumbo
Publisher: CLEUP

ISBN: 9788867871179


Download the Abstract ebook


We are thankful to you for your contribution in making successful the 9th CLADAG Scientific Meeting, on September 18th, 19th and 20th. We hope that you will be participating in future conferences of the CLADAG Group.

Please find your certificate of participation in your ConfTool home page.



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