Satellite Workshop and Short Courses
9 June 2014 One-day Workshop on Implantable Organic Electronics, organized by the Consortium of the EC-FP7 Project "Implantable Organic Nano-Electronics (I-ONE-FP7). It will present not only results from the project, but also include contributions by leading scientists in the field of organic bioelectronics and discussion. This will be open up to 100 participants. Tentative program will follow shortly. |
10 June 2014
Two short courses aimed to young researchers and graduate students will be organized and run in parallel. Each will be in one day for six hours, and have 60 attendees max:
- "ICOE 2014 School on Predictive Modelling and Computational Methods for Organic Electronics", chaired by Elisa Molinari (UNIMORE) and Claudio Zannoni (UNIBO). Download the detailed info
- "ICOE 2014 School on Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopies for Organic Electronics" chaired by Andrea Alessandrini and Fabio Biscarini (UNIMORE), Ricardo Garcia (CSIC Madrid) and Paolo Samorì (Université de Strasbourg), in conjunction with the SPM course of the Italian Society for the Microscopy Sciences (SISM). Download the detailed info